Our SEO team has more than 15 years in professional SEO.
We have been globally recognized for our professional SEO services and having been named “One of the Best SEO Agencies in the World“.
How long does it take to reach Google Top 10 results with our SEO?
How long does it take to see results (reach first page with our SEO – Google Top 10) from our SEO?
It takes about 10 to 180 days to start seeing results. But usually it takes about 1 month – it depends on the keywords, the website SEO power, and the power of the competition on Google Top 10 results.
What do the our SEO – Google Top 10 prices include?
We are checking more than 20 SEO factors and elements!
- Title Tag Analysis
- Meta Description
- Headings
- Keyword Analysis
- Keyword Consistency
- Backlinks Score
- Alt Attribute
- In-Page Links
- Broken Links
- Robots.txt
- XML Sitemap
- URL Parameters
- Blocking Factors
- Mobile-friendliness
- Mobile Speed
- Speed Tips
- Social Media Engagement
- Traffic Rank
- Competitive Analysis (Up to 15 competitors)
- Keyword Suggestions
- Future Website Strategy
- Website Speed Test
- Website HTML Code Analysis

CONTACT US – SEO Google Top 10

- We do Google Results based SEO service.
- We may not be able to qualify all of the chosen keywords in Google Top 10 Results.
- We do not guarantee Google Top 10 Results with the above pricing. If you want a guaranteed pricing please do not hesitate to contact us here.
- The period to reach Google Top 10 Results is about 1 month.
- Google search engine has many domains and each domain is responsible for the results in the defined country. For example is serving the results for users searching from Germany. That’s why before we start doing SEO service for you we need to know which is the target country.
- Please choose specific keywords for your products / services, not common keywords. Because for the common keywords there is a huge competition and we may not be able to complete the SEO task for a short period of time. You will just throw your money and will be disappointed. Our goal is to make you satisfied and make your business profitable.